With 25 years experience, Greg Easter has measured over 11,500 homes during his time as a Certified Residential Appraiser. True and accurate measurements to determine Gross Living Area are fundamental in any real estate transaction. 

Gregory W. Easter (TN#3545) completes FHA, USDA & Conventional appraisals.  Mr. Easter certifies his measurements to be accurate based upon the ANSI Standards.  Located in Mount Juliet, Greg Easter AppraisalsĀ® offers full residential appraisals or Professional Measuring of the subject property to determine Gross Living Area.  Let us help today. Rush orders & Fast turn-around times are always available.

Most local MLS accepts appraiser measurements for submission into the MLS Listings.

Contact a representative for Greg Easter Appraisals at:  In Mount Juliet, call 615-398-9907

Certified Gross Living Area Measurements are $149.00 and up

Full Residential Appraisals begin at $400 and larger more complex assignments can be quoted.



Measure Square Footage

Do you need us to Measure your home's Square Footage? Send us your name, address, email, and phone number and we will contact you to set an appointment. Please allow 4 days to set our schedule within this time frame.

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